Junior Guard Parents!
This is the new Orange Coast District JG website.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to maintain the safety and integrity of the Huntington State Beach Junior Lifeguard Program. Parents and Junior Lifeguards are expected to familiarize themselves with the following Code of Conduct and sign and return it to their instructor by the 3rd day of Junior Guards.
1. Junior Lifeguards will treat all other Junior Lifeguards, Instructors, members of the public, and program equipment with respect at all times.
2. Junior Lifeguards will arrive on time and in proper uniform prepared with all appropriate supplies for the day (water, sunscreen, lunch, towel, etc.).
3. Junior Lifeguards will not leave the beach at any time during program hours unless released by an Instructor to a parent or guardian.
4. Dishonesty, stealing, fighting, throwing sand or other objects, or intentionally causing harm to another Junior Lifeguard will not be tolerated at any time.
5. Bullying of any nature will not be tolerated.
6. Junior Lifeguards will refrain from the use of profanity or inappropriate hand gestures.
7. Electronics (except for cell phones) or other items of significant value are not permitted at Junior Lifeguards.
8. Cell phone use during program hours is not permitted at any time unless given permission by an Instructor. Bring at your own risk.
9. In order to use the restroom, Junior Lifeguards must go with a buddy, wear appropriate footwear and obtain permission from an Instructor.
10. Prior to entering the ocean, all Junior Lifeguards must wear their designated beanies on their head. This rule does not apply to Guard Aides.
11. Junior Lifeguards are required to bring a note from a parent or guardian when absent from the program for three consecutive days.
12. Junior Lifeguards will throw away all trash in designated trash receptacles.
13. Junior Lifeguards will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.
14. Junior Lifeguards, for the purposes of program safety, are required to follow all directions and act immediately upon the request of Instructors. Insubordination of any nature will not be tolerated.
15. Junior Lifeguards are expected to participate in all program activities.
16. If a Junior Lifeguard is unable to participate fully in daily activities due to an injury please have them bring a note to camp. If a Junior Lifeguard is unable to participate fully in daily activities due to reasons of illness or injury please have them bring a note to camp.
17. Parents will be contacted should their child’s non-participation become an ongoing problem.
Exceptions due to major injury can be made.
Code of Conduct Disciplinary Guidelines: Minor Violations
First Violation: will result in a verbal warning
Second Violation: will result in physical conditioning to be determined by instructor
Third Violation: will result in a parent conference
Fourth Violation: will result in suspension, the length of which will be determined by an instructor and administrator
Subsequent Violation: will result in expulsion without refund
Code of Conduct Disciplinary Guidelines: Major Violations
Any major violation of the Code of Conduct, as determined by program instructors and administrators, may result in immediate suspension or expulsion from the program.
Any behavior that is severely inconsistent with the safety or integrity of the program, as determined by program instructors and administrators, may also result in immediate suspension or expulsion from the program.
It is important to note that Junior Lifeguards receiving disciplinary action resulting in suspensions or expulsions are not eligible for any type of tuition refund.
By signing you agree that you have read, understand and agree to uphold the above Huntington State Beach Junior Lifeguard Code of Conduct.